All Publications


  • Gido, K.B and D.A Jackson. 2010. (editors) Community Ecology of Stream Fishes: Concepts, Approaches, and Techniques. American Fisheries Society. 664 pages.

Refereed Articles 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020| Submitted 

Conservation & Biodiversity
Invasive Species & Environmental Changes
Quantitative Ecology
Environmental Contaminants


      • Cordero, R.D. and D.A. Jackson. Abiotic factors influence species-pair co-occurrences of lake fishes. (submitted)
      • Ghandi, N., Jackson, D.A., and S. P. Bhavsar. Assessment of fish consumption beneficial use impairment at the Great Lakes Thunder Bay and St Marys River Areas of Concern, Canada (submitted)
      • Goto, D., Dunlop, E., Young, J., and D.A. Jackson. Diminished food web support for cold-water predator harvest following biological invasions (submitted)
      • Smith, D.A., Jackson, D.A., and M.S. Ridgway. Thermal habitat of Brook Trout in lakes of different sizes.  Freshwater Science 39: in press


      • Dunlop, E.S., Goto, D., and D.A. Jackson. Fishing down then up the food web of an invaded lake.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(40): 19995-20001.
      • Cordero, R.D. and D.A. Jackson. Species-pair associations, null models, and tests of mechanisms structuring ecological communities. Ecosphere 10(7):e02797.
      • Lamothe, K.A., K.M. Somers, and D.A. Jackson. Linking the ball-and-cup analogy and ordination trajectories to describe ecosystem stability, resistance, and resilience.  Ecosphere 10(3):e026929.


      • Lamothe, K.A., K.M. Alofs, D.A. Jackson, and K.M. Somers. Functional diversity and redundancy of freshwater fish communities across biogeographic and environmental gradients.  Diversity and Distributions 24: 1612-1626.
      • Benoit, D., D.A. Jackson, and M.S. Ridgway. Assessing the impacts of imperfect detection on estimates of diversity and community structure through multispecies occupancy modeling.  Ecology and Evolution 8:4676-4684.
      • Lamothe, K.A., D.A. Jackson, and K.M. Somers. Long-term directional trajectories among lake crustacean zooplankton communities and water chemistry.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75:1926-1939.
      • Munno, K., P.A. Helm, D.A. Jackson, C. Rochman, and A. Sims. Impacts of temperature and selected chemical digestion methods on microplastic particles.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37:91-98


      • Edge, C.B., M.J. Fortin, D.A. Jackson. D. Lawrie, L. Stanfield, and N. Shrestha. Habitat alteration and habitat fragmentation differentially affect beta diversity of stream fish communities. Landscape Ecology 32:647-662.
      • Lamothe, K.A., D.A. Jackson, and K.M. Somers. Utilizing gradient simulations for quantifying community-level resistance and resilience. Ecosphere 8
      • Wang, X., L. Wang, X. Jia, and D.A. Jackson. Long-term spatiotemporal trends and health risks of oyster arsenic levels in coastal waters of northern South China Sea.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24: 20673-20684.
      • Wang, X., L. Wang, H. Chen, X. Jia, and D.A. Jackson. Determining a more environmental than spatial influence on structuring fish communities and ecological boundaries of Fangcheng coastal water, Northern South China Sea. Journal of Coastal Research 80:55-68


      • Edge, C.B., J.E. Houlahan, D.A. Jackson and M.J. Fortin. The response of amphibian larvae to environmental changes is both consistent and variable.  Oikos 125:1700-1711
      • Braoudakis, G.V. and D.A. Jackson. Effects of lake size, isolation and piscivorous predator presence on nested fish community structure. Journal of Biogeography 43:1425-1435
      • Edwards, B.A., D.A. Jackson, and K.M. Somers. 2016. Effects of declining calcium availability on the survival, growth, and calcium content of a freshwater crayfish, Orconectes virilis.  Freshwater Biology 61:914-922


      • Alofs, K.M. and D.A. Jackson. The vulnerability of species to range expansions by predators can be predicted using historical species associations and body size.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences  282:20151211
      • Alofs, K.M., and D.A. Jackson. The abiotic and biotic factors limiting establishment of predatory fishes at their expanding northern range boundaries in Ontario, Canada. Global Change Biology 21: 2227-2237
      • Chu, C., N.P. Lester, H.C. Giacomini, B.J. Shuter and D.A. Jackson. Catch-per-unit effort and size spectra of lake fish assemblages reflect underlying patterns in ecological conditions and anthropogenic activities across regional and local scales.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73:535-546
      • Cusa, M., D.A. Jackson, and M. Mesure.  Window collisions by migratory bird species: urban geographical patterns and habitat associations.  Urban Ecosystems DOI 10.1007/s11252-015-0459-3
      • Melles, S.J., C. Chu, K.M. Alofs, and D.A. Jackson. Potential spread of Great Lakes fishes given climate change and proposed dams: an approach using circuit theory to evaluate invasion risk.  Landscape Ecology 30:919-935 30:919-935


      • Alofs, K.M. and D.A. Jackson.  Meta-analysis suggests biotic resistance in freshwater environments is driven by consumption rather than competition.  Ecology 95:3259-3270  (email me for a pdf)
      • Alofs, K.M., D.A. Jackson, and N.P. Lester. 2014. Ontario freshwater fishes demonstrate differing range-boundary shifts in a warming climate. Diversity and Distributions 20: 123-136 DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12130 (email me for a pdf)
      • Alofs, K.M., E.A. Liverpool, D.C. Taphorn, C.R. Bernard and H. Lopez- Fernandez. 2014. Mind the (information) gap: the importance of exploration and discovery for assessing conservation priorities for freshwater fish. Diversity and Distributions 20: 107-113 DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12127 (email me for a pdf)
      • Austen, E., D.A. Jackson, and A.E. Weis. 2014. Describing flowering schedule shape through multivariate ordination. International Journal of Plant Sciences 175: 70-79.
      • Edwards, B.A., D.A. Jackson, and K.M. Somers. 2014. Linking temporal changes in crayfish communities to environmental changes in boreal Shield lakes in southcentral Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 21-30 (email me for a pdf)
      • Edwards, B.A., D.A. Jackson and K.M. Somers. Evaluating the effect of lake calcium concentration on the acquisition of carapace calcium by freshwater crayfish. Hydrobiologia 744: 91-100 10.1007/s10750-014-2059-2 (email me for a pdf)
      • Neff, M.R., S.P. Bhavsar, R. Law, R. Fletcher, D.O. Carpenter, K. Drouillard, A. Fisk and M.T. Arts. 2014. Fatty acid profiles of Lake Erie sport fish and relationships with fish size, sex, season and location.  Journal of Great Lakes Research 40: 37-42 (email me for a pdf)
      • Granados, M., N.E Mandrak, and D.A. Jackson. 2014. Synthesizing reference conditions for highly degraded areas through best professional judgement.  Journal of Great Lakes Research 40 (Suppl. 2):37-42.   DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2013.12.002 (email me for a pdf)
      • Scott, C.E., D.A. Jackson, and A.P. Zimmerman. 2014.  Environmental and algal community influences on benthic algal extracellular material in Lake Opeongo, Ontario. Freshwater Science 33: 568-576 (email me for a pdf)
      • Wang, L. and D.A. Jackson. 2014.  Shaping up model transferability and generality of species distribution modeling for predicting invasions: implications from a study on Bythotrephes longimanus. Biological Invasions 16:2079-2103.  DOI: 10.1007/s10530-014-0649-6 (email me for a pdf)


      • Edwards, B.A., V.R.E. Lewis, F.H. Rodd, and D.A. Jackson. 2013. Interactive effects of calcium decline and predation risk on the potential for a continuing northward range expansion of the rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91:328-337. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2012-0302. (email me for a pdf)
      • Neff, M.R. and D.A. Jackson. 2013. Regional-scale patterns in community concordance: testing the roles of historical biogeography versus contemporary abiotic controls on stream community composition. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 70: 1141-1150.  DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2012-0497. (email me for a pdf)
      • Neff, M.R., J.M. Robinson, S.P. Bhavsar. 2013. Assessment of fish mercury levels in the upper St. Lawrence River, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research 39: 336-343   DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2013.03.005<. (email me for a pdf)
      • Ngai, K.L.C., Shuter, B.J., Jackson, D.A. and Chandra, S. 2013.  Projecting impacts of climate change on surface water temperatures of a large subalpine lake: Lake Tahoe, USA. Climatic Change 118:841–855 (pdf)  doi: 10.1007/s10584-013-0695-6
      • Wang, L. and D.A. Jackson. Shaping up model transferability and generality of species distribution modeling for predicting invasions: implications from a study on Bythotrephes longimanus. (in review)


      • Brown, C., Arbour, J. and D.A. Jackson. 2012. Testing of the effect of missing data estimation and distribution in morphometric multivariate data analyses. Systematic Biology 61:941-954. doi:10.1093/sysbio/sys04. (email me for a pdf)
      • Neff, M.R., S.P. Bhavsar, and J.X.Y. Chin. 2012. Spatial and temporal trends of muscle lipid content in Great Lakes fishes: 1970s-2008.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69:2007-2017   DOI: 10.1139/f2012-121. (email me for a pdf)
      • Neff, M.R., S.P. Bhavsar, G.B. Arhonditsis, R. Fletcher, and D.A. Jackson. 2012. Long-term changes in fish mercury levels in historically impacted English-Wabigoon River system (Canada). Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14, 2327-2337. doi: 10.1039/C2EM30324H. (email me for a pdf)
      • Poos, M.S. and D.A. Jackson. 2012. Addressing the removal of rare species in multivariate bioassessments: the impact of methodological choices. Ecological Indicators 18: 82-90. (pdf) doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.10.008
      • Poos, M.S. and D.A. Jackson. 2012. Impact of species-specific dispersal and regional stochasticity on estimates of population viability in stream metapopulations. Landscape Ecology 27:405-416. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/s10980-011-9683-2



      • French, T.D., S. Petro, E.J. Reiner, S.P. Bhavsar, and D.A. Jackson. 2011. Thirty-year time series of PCB concentrations in a small invertivorous fish (Notropis hudsonius): An examination of post-1990 trajectory shifts in the lower Great Lakes. Ecosystems 14:415-429. (pdf) DOI: 10.1007/s10021-011-9419-9
      • Gewurtz, S.B., S.P. Bhavsar, D.A. Jackson, E. Awad, J.G. Winter, E.J. Reiner, R. Moody, and R. Fletcher. 2011. Trends of legacy and emerging-issue contaminants in Lake Simcoe fishes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 36:100-112. (pdf) doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2010.07.001
      • Schwalb, A.N., K. Cottenie, K., M.S. Poos, and J. Ackerman. 2011. Dispersal limitation of unionid mussels and implications for their conservation. Freshwater Biology 56: 1509-1518. (pdf) doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2011.02587.x  **
      • Scott, C.E., K.M. Alofs, and B.A. Edwards. 2011. Putting dark diversity in the spotlight. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 26:263-264. (pdf) doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2011.03.008
      • Strecker, A.L., J.M. Casselman, M.-J. Fortin, D.A. Jackson, M.S. Ridgway, P.A. Abrams, and B.J. Shuter. 2011. A Multi-scale comparison of trait linkages to environmental and spatial variables in fish communities across a large freshwater lake. Oecologia 166:819-831. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/s00442-011-1924-1
      • Timms, L.L., Walker, S.C. and S.M Smith. 2011. Establishment and dominance of an introduced herbivore has limited impact on native host-parasitoid food webs. Biological Invasions. 14:299-244. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/s10530-011-9999-5
      • Walker, S.C. and D.A. Jackson. 2011. Random-effects ordination: describing and predicting multivariate correlations and co-occurrences.  Ecological Monographs 81:635-663. (pdf) doi: 10.1890/11-0886.1
      • Wang, L. and D.A. Jackson. 2011. Modeling the establishment of invasive species: Habitat and biotic interactions influencing the establishment of Bythotrephes longimanus. Biological Invasions 13:2499-2512. doi: 10.1007/s10530-011-0071-2. (email me for a pdf)



      • Gerwurtz, S.B., S.P. Bhavsar, D.A. Jackson, R. Fletcher, E. Awad, R. Moody, and E.J. Reiner. 2010. Temporal and Spatial Trends of Organochlorines and Mercury in Fishes from the St. Clair River/Lake St. Clair Corridor, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research 36: 100-112. (pdf) doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2009.09.002
      • Jackson, D.A., S.C. Walker, and M.S. Poos. 2010. Cluster analysis of fish community data: “New” tools for determining meaningful groups of sites and species assemblages. Pages 503-527 In Community Ecology of Stream Fishes: Concepts, Approaches, and Techniques. K.B. Gido and D.A. Jackson (eds) American Fisheries Society. (pdf)



      • Biernaskie, J.M., S.C. Walker, and R.J. Gegear. 2009. Bumblebees learn to forage like Bayesians. American Naturalist 174:413-423.  doi: 10.1086/603629. (email me for a pdf)
      • Poos, M., A.J. Dextrase, A.N. Schwalb, and J.D. Ackerman. 2009. Secondary invasion of the round goby into high diversity Great Lakes tributaries and species at risk hotspots: potential new concerns for endangered freshwater species. Biological Invasions 12:1269-1284. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/s10530-009-9545-x
      • Poos, M.S., S.C. Walker and D.A. Jackson. 2009. Functional-diversity indices can be driven by methodological choices and species richness. Ecology 90:341-347. (pdf) 10.1890/08-1638.1
      • Rising, J.D., D.A. Jackson, and H.B. Fokidis. 2009. Geographic variation in plumage pattern and coloration of Savannah Sparrow. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:253-264. (pdf) doi: 10.1676/08-077.1
      • Sharma, S., D.A. Jackson, and C.K. Minns. 2009. Quantifying the potential effects of climate change and the invasion of smallmouth bass on native lake trout populations across Canadian lakes. Ecography 32:517-525. (pdf) doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.2008.05544.x



      • Bhavsar, S.P., A. Hayton, and D.A. Jackson. 2008. Uncertainty analysis of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls-related toxic equivalents in fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27:997-1005. (pdf) doi:10.1897/07-460.1
      • Walker, S.C., M.S. Poos, and D.A. Jackson 2008. Functional rarefaction: estimating functional diversity from field data. Oikos 117:286-296.  (pdf) doi:10.1111/j.2007.0030-1299.16171.x
      • Sharma, S. S.C. Walker, and D.A. Jackson. 2008. Empirical modeling of lake water temperature relationships: A comparison of predictive modeling approaches. Freshwater Biology 53:897-911. (pdf) doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.01943.x



      • Bhavsar, S., D.A. Jackson, A. Hayton, E. Reiner, T. Chen and J. Bodnar. 2007. Are PCB levels in fish from the Canadian Great Lakes still declining? Journal of Great Lakes Research 33:592-605. (pdf) doi: 10.3394/0380-1330(2007)33[592:APLIFF]2.0.CO;2
      • Sharma, S., D.A. Jackson, C.K. Minns and B.J. Shuter. 2007. Will northern fish populations be in hot water because of climate change? Global Change Biology 13:2052-2064. (pdf) doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01426.x
      • Hirst, C.N. and D.A. Jackson. 2007. Reconstructing community relationships: the impact of sampling error, ordination approach, and gradient length. Diversity and Distributions 13:361-371. (pdf) doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2007.00307.x
      • Bhavsar, S.P., Fletcher, R., Hayton, A., Reiner, E.J., and D.A. Jackson. 2007. Composition of dioxin-line PCBs in fish: an application for risk assessment. Environmental Science and Technology 41:3096-3102. (pdf) doi: 10.1021/es062402y
      • Bhavsar, S.P,, Hayton, A., Reiner, E.J., and D.A. Jackson. 2007. Estimating dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl toxic equivalents from total polychlorinated biphenyl measurements in fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26:1622-1628. (pdf) doi: 10.1897/06-621R.1
      • Sharma, S., and D.A. Jackson. 2007. Fish assemblages and environmental conditions in the lower reaches of northeastern Lake Erie tributaries. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33: 15-27.  doi: 10.3394/0380-1330(2007)33[15:FAAECI]2.0.CO;2. (email me for a pdf)



      • Caron, J.B., and D.A. Jackson. 2006. Taphonomy of the Greater Phyllopod Bed Community, Burgess Shale. Palaois 21:451-465. (pdf) doi: 10.2110/palo.2003.P05-070R
      • French, T.D., Campbell, L.M., Jackson, D.A., Casselman, J.M., Scheider, W.A., and A. Hayton. 2006. Long-term changes in legacy trace organic contaminants and mercury in Lake Ontario salmon in relation to source controls, trophodynamics, and climatic variability. Limnology and Oceanography 51:2794-2807. (pdf) doi:10.4319/lo.2006.51.6.2794
      • MacRae, P.S.D., and D.A. Jackson. 2006. Characterizing north-temperature lake littoral fish communities: a comparison between distance sampling and minnow traps. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:558-569. doi: 10.1139/f05-240. (email me for a pdf)
      • Mayo, J.S. and D.A. Jackson. 2006. Quantifying littoral vertical habitat structure and fish community associations using underwater visual census. Environmental Biology of Fishes 75:395-407. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/s10641-005-5150-8
      • Mills, A.M., Rising, J.D. and D.A. Jackson. 2006. Conspecific attraction during establishment of Least Flycatcher clusters. Journal of Field Ornithology 77:34-38. (pdf) doi: 10.1111/j.1557-9263.2006.00009.x
      • Paavola, R., Muotka, T., Virtanen, R., Heino, J., Jackson, D. and A. Maki-Petays. 2006. Spatial scale affects community concordance among fishes, benthic macroinvertebrates and bryophytes in boreal streams. Ecological Applications 16:368-379. (pdf) doi: 10.1890/03-5410
      • Wilson, K.A., Howell, E.T., and D.A. Jackson. 2006. Replacement of zebra mussels by quagga mussels in the Canadian nearshore of Lake Ontario: The importance of substrate, round goby abundance, and upwelling frequency. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:11-28. (pdf) doi: 10.3394/0380-1330(2006)32[11:ROZMBQ]2.0.CO;2



      • Peres-Neto, P.R., D.A. Jackson, and K.M. Somers. 2005. How many principal components? stopping rules for determining the number of non-trivial axes revisited. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 49:974-997. (pdf) doi: 10.1016/j.csda.2004.06.015



      • Jackson, D.A. and Y. Chen. 2004. Robust principal component analysis and outlier detection with ecological data. Environmetrics 15:129-139. (pdf) doi: 10.1002/env.628



      • Peres-Neto, P.R., Jackson , D.A. and K.M. Somers. 2003. Giving meaningful interpretation to ordination axes: assessing loading significance in principal component analysis. Ecology 84:2347-2363. (pdf) doi: 10.1890/00-0634



      • Olden, J.D. and D.A. Jackson. 2002. A comparison of statistical models for modelling fish species distributions. Freshwater Biology 47:1976-1995. (pdf) doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2427.2002.00945.x
      • Olden, J.D., and D.A. Jackson. 2002. Illuminating the ‘black box’: Understanding variable contributions in artificial neural networks. Ecological Modeling 154:135-150. (pdf) doi: 10.1016/S0304-3800(02)00064-9
      • Olden, J.D., Jackson, D.A., and P.R. Peres-Neto. 2002. Predictive Models of Fish Species Distributions: A Note on Proper Validation and Chance Predictions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131: 329-336. (pdf) doi: 10.1577/1548-8659(2002)131<0329:PMOFSD>2.0.CO;2
      • Wilkinson, M., Peres-Neto, P.R. Foster, P., and Mocriff, C. 2002. Type I error rates of the parsimony PTP test. Systematic Biology 51:524-527. (pdf) doi: 10.1080/10635150290069931



      • Chen, Y. and D.A. Jackson. 2001. An empirical study on estimators for linear regression analyses in fisheries. Fisheries Research 49:193-206. (pdf) doi: 10.1016/S0165-7836(00)00195-8
      • Jackson , D.A., Peres-Neto, P.R., and J.D. Olden. 2001. What controls who is where in freshwater fish communities – the roles of biotic, abiotic, and spatial factors. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:157-170. (pdf) doi: 10.1139/cjfas-58-1-157
      • MacRae , P.S.D. and D.A. Jackson. 2001. The influence of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) predation and habitat complexity on the structure of littoral-zone fish assemblages. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:342-351. (pdf) doi: 10.1139/cjfas-58-2-342
      • Olden, J.D., and D.A. Jackson. 2001. Fish habitat relationships in lakes: gaining predictive and explanatory insight by using artificial neural networks. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 130:878-897. (pdf) doi: 10.1577/1548-8659(2001)130<0878:FHRILG>2.0.CO;2
      • Olden, J.D., and B.D. Neff. 2001. Cross correlation bias in lag analysis of aquatic time series. Marine Biology 138: 1063-1070.  doi: 10.1007/s002270000517. (email me for a pdf)
      • Olden, J.D., Jackson, D.A., and P.R. Peres-Neto. 2001. Spatial isolation and fish communities in drainage lakes. Oecologia 127:572-585. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/s004420000620
      • Peres-Neto, P.R., and D.A. Jackson. 2001. The importance of scaling of multivariate analyses in ecological studies. Ecoscience 8:522-526. (pdf)
      • Peres-Neto, P.R., and J.D. Olden. 2001. Assessing the robustness of randomization tests: examples from behavioural studies. Animal Behaviour 61: 79-86. (pdf) doi: 10.1006/anbe.2000.1576
      • Peres-Neto, P.R., Olden, J.D., and D.A Jackson. 2001. Environmentally constrained null models: site suitability as occupancy criterion. Oikos 93:110-120. (pdf) doi: 10.1034/j.1600-0706.2001.930112.x



      • Mehranvar, L. and D.A. Jackson. 2000. History and taxonomy: their roles in the core-satellite hypothesis. Oecologia 127:131-142. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/s004420000574
      • Olden, J.D. 2000. An artificial neural network approach for studying phytoplankton succession. Hydrobiologia 436: 131-143. (pdf) doi: 10.1023/A:1026575418649
      • Olden, J.D., and D.A. Jackson. 2000. Torturing the data for the sake of generality: how valid are our regression models? Ecoscience 7:501-510. (pdf)
      • Peres-Neto, P.R., and F. Marques. 2000. When are random data not random, or is the PTP test useful? Cladistics 16:420-424. doi: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2000.tb00361.x. (email me for a pdf)
      • Saint-Jacques, N., Harvey, H.H., and D.A. Jackson. 2000. Selective foraging in the white sucker (Catostomus commersoni). Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:1320-1331. (pdf) doi: 10.1139/cjz-78-8-1320



      • King, J.R. and D.A. Jackson. 1999. Variable selection with principal components analysis of environmental data . Environmetrics 10:67-77. (pdf)
      • Peres-Neto, P.R. 1999. How many statistical methods are too many? The problem of conducting multiple inferences revisited. Marine Ecology Progress Series 176: 303-306. (pdf) doi: 10.3354/meps176303



      • Jackson, D.A. 1997. Compositional data in community ecology: the paradigm or peril of proportions?  Ecology 78:929-940. (pdf) doi: 10.1890/0012-9658(1997)078[0929:CDICET]2.0.CO;2



      • Jackson, D.A. and H.H. Harvey. 1996. Gradual reduction and extinction of fish populations in acid lakes. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 85:389-394.  doi: 10.1007/BF00476860. (email me for a pdf)
      • Harvey, H.H. and D.A. Jackson. 1996. Acid stress and extinction of a spring-spawning fish population. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 85:383-388. doi: 10.1007/BF00476859. (email me for a pdf)



      • Jackson, D.A. 1995. PROTEST: a PROcrustean Randomization TEST of community environment concordance. Ecoscience 2:297-303. (pdf)
      • Chen, Y. and D.A. Jackson. 1995. Robust estimation of mean and variance in fisheries. <a href="http://;2″>Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124:401- 412.  doi: 10.1577/1548-8659(1995)124<0401:REOMAV>2.3.CO;2. (email me for a pdf)
      • Jackson, D.A. 1995. Bootstrapping Principal Components Analysis: Reply to Mehlman et al. Ecology 76:644-645. (pdf) doi: 10.2307/1941220





      • Jackson, D.A. 1993. Multivariate analysis of benthic invertebrate communities: the implication of choosing particular data standardizations, measures of associations, and ordination methods. Hydrobiologia 268:9-26. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/BF00005737
      • Jackson, D.A. 1993. Stopping rules in principal components analysis: a comparison of heuristical and statistical approaches. Ecology 74:2204-2214. (pdf) doi: 10.2307/1939574



      • Jackson, D.A., K.M. Somers, and H.H. Harvey. 1992. Null models and fish communities: evidence of nonrandom patterns. American Naturalist 139:930-951. (pdf) doi: 10.1086/285367



      • Jackson, D.A. and K.M. Somers. 1991. Putting things in order: the ups and downs of detrended correspondence analysis. American Naturalist 137:704-712. (pdf) doi: 10.1086/285189
      • Jackson, D.A. and K.M. Somers. 1991. The spectre of ‘spurious’ correlations. Oecologia 86:147-151. (pdf) doi: 10.1007/BF00317404





    • Jackson, D.A. and H.H. Harvey. 1989. Biogeographic associations in fish assemblages: local versus regional processes. Ecology 70:1472-1484. (pdf) doi: 10.2307/1938206
    • Jackson, D.A. and K.M. Somers. 1989. Are probability estimates from the permutation model of Mantel’s test stable? Canadian Journal of Zoology 67:766-769. (pdf) doi: 10.1139/z89-108
    • Jackson, D.A., K.M. Somers, and H.H. Harvey. 1989. Similarity coefficients: measures of co-occurrence and association or simply measures of occurrence? American Naturalist 133:436-453. (pdf) doi: 10.1086/284927